Adding Direct Inject to Noisy Cricket

Started by Chris@home, March 11, 2015, 11:38:34 PM

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Hi all,

I've tried several different searches, but haven't really found what I'm looking for yet (mainly due to my limited experience). I was wondering if anyone had added an XLR out as a DI for the Noisy Cricket. I've seen a few variations of the headphone out, but I would really like to find something along the line of a DI out that is not effected by the volume pot on the amp itself. These little amps like this seem to have a lot of potential in this respect and I want to experiment with it. I was hoping to add one to a tube cricket, I just haven't developed enough practical experience to completely understand how to make it happen.



Welcome to the forum!

When talking about modifications, it's helpful to post the schematic so we know what you are talking about. Here is the one from Beavis:

I think the purpose of the noisy cricket was to make a cheap power amp without a lot of trouble. I don't think there is an easy way to do it off of the output of the chip itself, especially if you don't want the volume/gain potentiometer to play into the DI output. Since that's the case, I would go about it by splitting the signal at the input using an AMZ transistor splitter circuit. Send an output to the volume pot in of the noisy cricket, the other to a DI circuit. You can put any type of tone shaping you want before the DI (cab sim, preamps, etc). Lots of info on those around.



Thanks for the reply. Didn't think about posting the circuit, Mea Culpa.

Reading your thoughts while looking at the circuit makes me think that i won't be able to easily realize my ultimate goal of being able to color the tone somewhat, adjust the gain, but bypass the overall volume. While using the amp for practice is the primary reason for building the amp (although when you get down to it, I'm not really looking for a reason it's just something fun to do) I would love to have the option to add it to my board as the last in my chain with the ability to either go to in ear monitors or stage monitors (don't know what I was thinking there)while also going straight to the board. This would allow me to adjust my stage volume without effecting the board volume and still being able to color the sound.

Is it entirely practical? Of course not.

Is there an easier way? Probably.

However, just knowing that I made something that potentially cool that can be used like that still makes it all worthwhile. I might tinker with it some and see if I can fit the splitter in. Thanks for the link.

BTW, here is the tube cricket circuit (linked from the Beavis Audion website)