Changing a cry baby classic switch

Started by cheapgtrs, July 17, 2015, 07:37:36 PM

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So I have a crybaby classic that the switch was going out on. Cutting in and out. I ordered a new switch, got the old one out and put the new one in. Went to test it and engaged the wah worked. When bypassed no signal went through. Not sure what im missing here. I haven't soldered it up yet, just stuck in place. Any ideas? Sorry for the newb questions.


Without solder you may not be getting a good connection on the bypass side of the switch.

I'm assuming they're the top 2 lugs in your picture the switch lugs don't actually look as if they're touching the switch pcb pads but it is hard to see.

Continuity check the pads on the switch pcb with their corresponding switch lugs and see if you get a beep

I don't know if you're familiar with continuity testing so here's a PDF

edit: check your switch for continuity too it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it may be damaged unlikely but you never know! I'd double check all the connector sockets etc make sure you haven't accidentally pulled something loose


Thanks. I'll give it a go again on Sunday.


Got it. Thanks again.  I wasn't getting good contact