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Started by jimbob, October 14, 2003, 01:51:59 PM

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I read here in the simple mods page this:--"Refine" your pedal and smooth the tone out
A Jake Nagy special! Put a smallish value capacitor on the output lugs of your volume pot (from signal to ground) to clear up the high end "buzz and hash" from your pedal and give it instant smoothness!
Try different values from 220pf to .0015uF or even larger values depending on the amount of high frequency content you want to remove. When i apply this to the dod 250 i get coonfused..The pic provided doesnt really match my did pic in a way i can understand. I conn  a wire from the  #3 lug on the level 100k log to a smallish cap -then- to the # 1 lug which goes to sd the mid lug on the pot goes to  the  the output jack, but mine goes to the 3pdt switch..the pic(diagram) im looking at for the dod-250 is from // . Is this how i connect it? :o
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"

Greg Moss

Let me see if I understand:

The source of your confusion is the fact that the sketch on the mods page says that the middle (or #2) lug of the 100k level pot should go to the output jack, and the GGG shows the middle lug (#2) of the same pot going to the 3PDT.

if this is the case, then no worries, the wire from the middle lug in the GGG layout is going to the 3PDT, and that is switching that wire to connect to the output jack when the effect is on, and disconnecting it when the effect is bypassed.   So both the GGG schmatic and the mods diagram are both saying the same thing (except that the GGG layouot has the bypass switch between the distorion circuit and the output jack).  Thus you would put the cap between lugs #1 and #3, and #2 would go to the switch as in GGG's DOD schematic.

I think the DOD scheme you're looking at already has a cap that serves this purpose, though.  Look at the Cap marked C7 in the schematic.  It is connected between lug #1 of the level pot, and to ground.  The difference is that the DOD schematic has the cap located on the circuit board, and the mod has you doing it on the volume pot.  Different place, same effect.

If you wanted to experiment with "the amount of high frequency content you want to remove" you could try different value caps in place of C7.  Larger values will roll out more high end (and presumably "harshness").

Hope i made sense....



Made alot of sense. Thats was exactly what i meant. Im still new at this and trying to learn every little thing possible. Sorry i wasnt very clear..I later read what i wrote and wondered if anyone would understand what i meant. I very much appreciate the response.
Thanks Greg !!
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"