Mxr distortion+ clone

Started by Nutti, December 03, 2015, 07:43:16 AM

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Yesterday I finnished my distortion+ pedal and tested it befor mounting it in the enclosure. Everything worked great so I went ahead and mounted it. Now it's dead. The led comes on but no sound. After troubleshooting I found out that when I mount the input jack it dies, if I release it from the enclosure it dies again.

Any ideas?

Here are the schematics:


Welcome!  Sounds like you may have a short somewhere?  The schematics tell us only what it's supposed to do.   :icon_wink:   If you can post some pictures of your build we might be able to work out what's actually happening.  :)
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


hmmmm, sounds like maybe a tip wire is connected to a sleeve lug somewhere by mistakes.
"Bring on the nonsense".


I was thinking maybe faulty jack? Anywas, I'll get back to you with some picks when I get home in a couple of hours.

And thanks, it's great I finally found a forum for pedals. I'm a beginner to electronics and just reasonly started "study" the subject on my sparetime. I've made a few guitarstuff and I'm currently working on a fuzz with just schematics from the net. Earlier builds has been kits with instructions so I'm excited to see how it turns out. :)


This is it. I started testing and found that + and - seems to be connected in the powersupply jack, so I'm gonna desolder it from the circut and try again. Hopefully it's just faulty and need to be replaced.


Yeah ok so that was just wishful thinking :(


Just a thought, is the PCB mounted using standoffs? If not, put a layer or two of duct tape on the back of it. My very first build, an AMZ MOSFET Booster, went on the fritz right after I boxed it up. Turned out my circuit was being grounded to the box at multiple points. Drove me nuts trying to track down my "loose connection", but some tape on the back fixed it right up.


I would also highly recommend making and using an audio probe:
You can use this to hear the signal at any point in the circuit, makes it very easy to isolate the problem in any dead circuit.


Yeah I'm using standoffs, could the pots cause this problem if the points touch the case?

Thanks for the link, I'll make one today :)


The things you notice after a little sleep right :D I've totally ignored the output jack until now...and what do I see? The cables are mixed up so the tip goes to ground and sleeve to bypass switch :D

It's working now so thanks everybody for the tips, I'll probably get back to you guys with my fuzz build :)


nutti, this is why we spend ten minutes with the multimeter on the ohms setting, poking about to see where the tips connect, does the switch work, is V+ connected to the board/the IC, are all the grounds connecting together, etc BEFORE we apply any power to the circuit. it's amazing what you find.
"Bring on the nonsense".


Yeah, good thing nothing got fried. Will do that in the future :)