dl4 preset mod question?

Started by ppatchmods, August 20, 2009, 05:07:19 PM

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thanks. i figured it out. i added a giant knob on the side of my dl4 instead of the preset switch. it's a built in exp pedal!
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


I'm having difficulty with the double preset mod for the Line6 DL-4 and wondering if you would please send me the instructions so I could check my work.
I first preformed the mod to my MM-4 with great success so naturally I did the same Exact mod to the DL4. Some of the Delay types work (digital, Dynamic, Volume) and I'm able to save two different settings per selected delay type. But with the other types (Tape, Reverse, Analog etc.) the initial setting works fine and I save my settings, then I press the switch wired to the Expression jack and I get this wierd, garbbled, delayed sound. I Press it again and the delay type returns. Please Help won't you kind sir.
Its seems to be a simple enough mod and thats why it drving me mad I guess. It work for one pedal and not the other. facepalm:
I followed the schematic posted here by Mr. Huge

"Uuuh...Thank Ya' Very Much"



Hi all

I did this modification (I used the simple schema: just a switch, 10K resistor and a LED). The mod works great, now I have an extra pretesting. Happy days  :D

Question: I found that this mod does not work for an infinite repetition .... I'll try to explain.
I have one preset: simple delay, with a few repetitions. I want the repetitions never to stop when I press the extra switch (the Modestia). So I stored the maximum repetitions setting.
HOWEVER, when the preset is selected afterwards, I find that the number of repetitions is NOT the expected infinite. A lot more than the original few though.
Say 80%.  :icon_frown:

So it seems that with this mod, there is no such thing as 0% ~100%?
Anyone have the same results?
Maybe I should use another resistor, say 20K, or rather 8K?  :icon_question:


Quote from: fweijers on January 18, 2010, 06:03:59 AM
Hi all

I did this modification (I used the simple schema: just a switch, 10K resistor and a LED). The mod works great, now I have an extra pretesting. Happy days  :D

Question: I found that this mod does not work for an infinite repetition .... I'll try to explain.
I have one preset: simple delay, with a few repetitions. I want the repetitions never to stop when I press the extra switch (the Modestia). So I stored the maximum repetitions setting.
HOWEVER, when the preset is selected afterwards, I find that the number of repetitions is NOT the expected infinite. A lot more than the original few though.
Say 80%.  :icon_frown:

So it seems that with this mod, there is no such thing as 0% ~100%?
Anyone have the same results?
Maybe I should use another resistor, say 20K, or rather 8K?  :icon_question:

The rumor was that the Line 6 automatically calibrates the expression pedal input to what it sees in the two positions you make knob settings on, but maybe not.  It will be something different if one of the position settings was made without the switch plugged in, did you start from scratch with the switch plugged in?

If so, it could well be this particular design (the passive one with the LED running right off of the electricity from the expression pedal jack) isn't giving the full range that the expression pedal does, if you don't mind being a guinea pig, you might try putting a forward biased small signal diode (like 1n914 or 1n4148) in series with the LED, to get the voltage it is regulating the expression pedal input sees higher.  Right now, with the switch off and the LED lit up, it is limiting the voltage on the expression pedal jack to about 1.4v, the turn on voltage of the LED.  With a series Si diode with a .7v turn on voltage of its own, this will up the voltage to ~2.1, which fool the pedal into thinking there is a 10K expression pedal plugged in better.  An alternative to try is rather than a series diode, a series resistor, like 1K.  You could also try eliminating the existing 10K resistor, in either of these scenarios, to see if you sag the expression pedal jack voltage a bit less, while still lighting an LED.

These mods will undoubtedly make the LED dimmer.  If it is too dim, I recommend the schematic I drew on page 1 with the battery and SPDT switch, that one presents the pedal with an electronically identical load as their expression pedal in the toe down position (10K between tip and sleeve).  No interaction between the LED and the expression pedal jack, as they're only tied together at ground.  The battery will last forever with a superbrite LED.


Thanks Processaurus

I see, adding an extra diode in series will probably do the trick, however I believe that it might be better to use your first schema with the battery.
This will undoubtedly  fool the device better thinking a real expression pedal is attached.

Thanks again


I can't get the led to work.  I have a red led.  I have the sleeve going to the smaller lug (cathode right?) on the LED.   Here is the order of the wiring.

Tip>Side A of resistor>Long Side on LED>Side A of switch
Sleeve>Side b of resistor>Short side on LED>Side B of switch.


Quote from: bagtagsell on March 29, 2010, 01:33:22 PM
I have the sleeve going to the smaller lug (cathode right?) on the LED.   

Nope.  The side with the flat is the cathode, which usually also has the longer lead.


Hello Guys!
I know that the so called mod2(double presets) works for Line6 DL4, but also for Dm4 too (distortions)
does anybody have a schematic to do this mod?It would be really nice to have two different channels, one for fender style guitars and another for Gibson ones..
thank you so much!!