3D Prints (again) - Jack Shims

Started by karbomusic, December 23, 2015, 11:15:54 AM

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I posted some items/ideas when I first got my 3D printer earlier in the year. Yesterday, I needed some isolation shims for I/O jacks. I'm getting better with judging measurements down to 1/10th of a mm (or less) while taking in to account the shrinkage factor of ABS plastic. The tolerance on the collar that covers the shaft is so close it actually screws on. These fellas came out great...

The 3D model I created...

Final product after printing...

I'll probably pull about 1/3 mm off the thickness as a refinement step.


Excellent these will go down a treat with positive ground circuits.
Would you be willing to think about selling some?
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


Thanks Rich... I assume it would probably be more trouble than they are worth since I'm a DIY guy and not really set up to do any type of volume etc. I'd could probably one-off help a pal in distress though.


That's awesome! Something similar could make compensate for drilling errors or for reusing a box with holes that are close but the same spacing.