How could I wire a switch to go between true-bypass and buffered?

Started by, January 09, 2016, 05:00:11 AM

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I found a decent diagram which show how to wire a true bypass switch.
What I'm a little confused about is whether the normal pedal switch will still turn the pedal on and off. I guess what I want to do is be able to switch the pedal between functioning normally (with the buffer and all), or functioning as a true bypass pedal. I hope that makes sense.

I'm not actually planning on doing this mod any time soon, but would like to learn more about it. I know that buffers certainly have their place, it would just be neat to get to choose if it is used as a buffer or not.


I started typing, then confused myself about what yr doing. the "normal pedal switch" will control the functioning of the normal pedal, it doesn't care what you're doing with buffers. if you treat your buffer circuit as "an effect pedal", and wire it with a true bypass switch, then it will buffer when it is "on", and will be out of circuit when it is "off". it can't control the other pedal without some serious thinking, drawing and modding.
"Bring on the nonsense".

What I mean is if I installed a two way switch. If it's set to true bypass, then the pedal would switch between using the effect and bypassing the effect. But if the switch was set to "normal" it would switch between using the effect and being off but still buffered. Are you saying that it would be really complicated or impossible to set that up?


You're wording is still a little confusing, but let me see if I understand.

Let's take a boss pedal for example. Its foot switch turns the effect between on and buffered bypass. You want to add a switch that would allow the normal boss foot switch to go from effect/buffered bypass to effect/true bypass?


It might be as simple as adding in another DPDT switch. One side of the switch wired true bypass, move the original bypass circuit to the other side of this new switch and then connect the middle lugs of the new switch to where the old bypass went in and out of the original switch.

Someone more suitably caffeinated this morning should be able to advise you better.

I wouldn't have thought this should be too tricky but then I don't know the guts of the pedal in question. I'm struggling to understand the motivation for doing such a thing (an easy method to do A/B comparisons between buffered and true bypass, maybe?) but regardless, it should be doable, with a switch an a few bits of wire if the bypass is already buffered. Unless I've totally misunderstood the situation.


My TC Electronics Corona chorus has such a switch internally. It gives the choice between buffered or true bypass. I'd imagine part of the reason is that every pedal board is different, based on how many pedals you have, where they are, what they are etc., it may be advantageous to change how one bypasses to suit your needs.