Did I burn a chip out?

Started by Bobandy, February 23, 2016, 01:17:46 PM

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I'm building my first stompbox and running into problems. The pedal is a simple jfet boost with an escobedo pwm and a bazz fuss that can be ran individually or simultaneously. I had the circuit working earlier but now it seems the pwm doesn't want to work right. All I hear are faint clicks or nothing at all. It's the same whether I run it with or without the bazz fuss. Like an idiot, I soldered the chips for the pwm onto the board so I'm hoping this isn't the issue. Also, now it appears that my jfet boost isn't boosting enough. They are all running on the same power and ground rail on the perf board. The bazz fuss still works so I am assuming it isn't an issue with the power supply.


When you post something like this it's helpful to post the schematic's you have used so we have a better idea of what to look for.
You sure are good at smoking stuff Bob.
It would be better still if you provided a schematic of how You have it all wired together.
Are the circuits in parallel, series, what goes where.
It's difficult to provide help without a lot more info.
Help us to help you.
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


Sorry about that. I believe they are on series. I wired up one after another. I'll try  to find schematic. I pretty much took 3 separate circuits and wired them back to back. I'm pretty sure all of my problems are related to the same thing. I think I might have burned out the trimpot on the boost. I'm gonna try to get that working and see if it solves my problem. It seems like the pwm stopped working when the boost did and if I remember correctly, I couldn't get the pwm to work without the boost.