Component layout/wiring question

Started by ecoli, March 01, 2016, 06:35:18 PM

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One more question!  In a couple of layouts, such as the one below, I have seen what appears to be offboard wiring of two components (usually 2 diodes or 2 caps).  In the example below C5 and C6.  I'm not sure what exactly this is.  Is this a switch, and if so, what type of switch is typically used?


It looks to be a dpdt - double pole double throw - wired to switch between two different caps. The effect is wired to the centre pair of terminals and one cap to the each of the other pairs. The switch connects one or the other. If you use a centre off type switch you could have a zero-option if that were appropriate for your circuit.


Fueltanks right it's a DPDT switch giving you more tonal options i.e more less bass C1 along with one of the resistors would form a high pass filter it being a treble booster allowing higher frequencies to pass through by altering C1 you'd allow more bass / mids into the signal.

It looks to me like C1 would be added to the capacitor(s) on the switch the higher the value cap you put on the switch the more bass it would allow through it's hard to say for sure without the schematic but an ON OFF ON dpdt would give you in the centre off position just C1 and the original treble boost circuit, switched to either ON position would give you C1 plus whatever value you put on the switch.