implement woolly mammoth pinch to another pedal

Started by rentedrainbow, February 29, 2016, 06:10:38 PM

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Hi everyone. Im still fairly new to this world. Ive built 2 pedals so far. One of which was a woolly mammoth clone. Im curious if someone could tell me how I could implement the pinch knob from the woolly mammoth onto a different pedal. I used this layout when I built the woolly mammoth.


Mark Hammer

The "pinch" control adjusts the amount of feedback from the emitter of Q2 to the base of Q1.  This can be implemented successfully in ANY circuit that uses the Fuzz Face transistor configuration.  I've implemented it in several FF derivatives.  It interacts with the gain setting of Q2 such that you get different sounds with different combinations of "pinch" and gain.  If the resistance is high enough, you begin to get sputtering fuzz, but within a certain resistance range you still get different feels of fuzz without sputter.

I recommend it!


I'm liking that. It'd probably go well in the Axis Face.

Welcome to the forum Rentedrainbow. :)
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


It limits the current to the first transistor base and changes the bias it also affects the gain at the first transistor when the gain control is not at max.
For proper action it requires selecting the first transistors beta/hfe
You need to understand what is happening to use it in another build.

link to an older thread


Quote from: Gus on February 29, 2016, 07:12:46 PM
It limits the current to the first transistor base and changes the bias it also affects the gain at the first transistor when the gain control is not at max.
For proper action it requires selecting the first transistors beta/hfe
You need to understand what is happening to use it in another build.

link to an older thread

You're absolutely right, I do need to understand whats going on. I read through the other post you linked to and I'm trying to understand it all. Do you suggest any reading material? Something other than layout guides? Thanks!


> onto a different pedal.

WHAT "different pedal"?

That "pinch mod" may work on many circuits in the FuzzFace family (Woolly Mammoth is a FF with mods and extensions).

That "pinch mod" isn't applicable to phasers, reverbs, diode-based distorters.... the 90% of pedal-world which isn't based on a FuzzFace.

Mark Hammer

Quote from: PRR on March 01, 2016, 09:53:27 PMWHAT "different pedal"?.... the 90% of pedal-world which isn't based on a FuzzFace.

Some years back, we were driving through Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; a region whose principal industries are apparently potatoes and Anne of Green Gables.  Pulling up to a red light, I glanced out my driver's window and saw a book store to my left.  Through the bookstore window, I saw a large sign on the wall of the store: "Anne...and other books".

That's right.  The world is divided into two kinds of books: Anne of Green Gables, and all that other crap.  Same way the pedal world is divided into the Fuzz Face (and its derivatives)...and everything else.  :icon_wink: :icon_lol:

(P.S.:  If you're ever in PEI, make a point of driving to the town of Kensington.  The Cavendish company's fried potato products R&D center is located there.  Driving past it is like smelling the chip wagon of the gods!)