Pin voltages for Ibanez CS-9?

Started by diablochris6, March 07, 2016, 04:36:07 PM

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Does anybody have the pin voltages for the Ibanez CS-9 chrous ICs and transistors? I have a modified version (no stereo out) on my breadboard (I couldn't find room for the noise gate section though) that I am getting some sound out of. The audio signal is quite faint, and there is a low noise that overpowers the audio signal. I have isolated the issue to be somewhere between the output of the 3207 and the output of the circuit. Any readings would be greatly appreciated as I recheck my breadboard components and placement.


Did you leave the FET in without the gate? That'd cut your level.


No, I removed the FET altogether.


The FET probably needs to become a short drain-source. i.e. if you "remove" it, you want a jumper or a 100 ohm resistor. I don't know the circuit though.


Quote from: diablochris6 on March 07, 2016, 04:36:07 PM
I have isolated the issue to be somewhere between the output of the 3207 and the output of the circuit.

The area you have "isolated" is approximately half of the signal path.

Barring the unlikely event of someone popping in with voltages for this chorus...
I would audio probe the circuit to pinpoint where the signal gets "lost"

Posting the schematic with your voltages might get you more help as well.  ;)

I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Well, going over my breadboard again...I found the issue! I placed a resistor in the wrong spot; it's the dumb mistakes that bite you in the butt sometimes. It works just fine now. The wet signal seems to overpower the dry, but I figure the noise gate/FET section of the CS9 might help a little with that. Thanks for the suggestions everybody.