two pin vertical trimmer

Started by armdnrdy, June 22, 2016, 08:57:26 PM

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I've seen this style of trimmer used in older Maxon/Ibanez effects.

Sometimes these trimmers are wedged in between other components to where a regular three pin trimmer's footprint wouldn't fit.

Other times the routing goes between the two legs where the wiper leg would be on a three pin trimmer.

I know that I've seen these offered for sale somewhere...and I was thinking..."what would you possibly use these for?"  ::) but...I can't recall the supplier.

Has anyone come across these in your search for parts?
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


No, can't say that I have seen them offered.

I have made them out of the usual 3pin horizontal trimmer by bending the track pins out flat and cutting back the wiper pin after running a fine wire to a track end - or for 3pin vertical add a stouter wire to the wiper pin to it's own hole in the board.

Where I've been able to hang the board vertical off the panel pot pins, vertical trimmers are handy to adjust in the box and take less space, which of course, there isn't a lot of on vertical boards.


Thanks for the reply Jim.

Your second modification for a three pin trimmer is what I've had in mind.

It seems with some of the older circuits I work with....there are always parts that I have problems sourcing...and end up modifying something in place of the original.

I was hoping to find the two pin versions for one less thing to modify...but...I guess that's the nature of DIY!  ;)

I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)