What size enclosure for a pedal with 10 knobs, 3 switches, and 2 footswitches?

Started by atwas2112, July 10, 2016, 10:40:33 PM

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I believe thats the size enclosure the Aion L5 preamp is in, which has 12 pots, 4 switches, and 2 footswitches. If thats the case, then it should be good for you too.
Dave's not here, man

On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio
- Hunter S. Thompson

Kevin Mitchell

I'd probably use a 1590DD box for something with that many controls especially if there's going to be allot of wiring going on. Though if most of it is surface mounted I'd imagine a 1790NS(1590XX) being large enough.

There's allot of things to consider. I'd suggest you drawing and measure something out and to help decide what size enclosure makes for a comfortable build.



Yep, the Lab Series L5 Preamp is in a 1590XX/1790NS/4S6500. Of those, I prefer the 1590XX - it's just a hair larger than the others (we're talking an eighth inch here and there, nothing significant) and the walls are a bit thicker so it's heavier overall.

Even with that enclosure size, the pots had to be spaced closer together than I'd like, and so it requires that the knobs are a max of 1/2" in diameter. I picked the aluminum ones from SBE and they look great. (You could get away with the Davies 1510-style since they have the raised grip and it's just the skirt that is wide, but it doesn't look right to me aesthetically.)