Muff/Fuzz face pedal

Started by PedalSouldier, September 06, 2016, 11:21:07 AM

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Hello. I wanted to build a fuzz face circuit but I already have the big muff on my board. there is so much room in that pedal that I think I will simply add the small fuzz face circuit to the Muff pedal and have a switch between the two fuzz effects.

What would be the best way to switch between these two boards? just have a switch between the input and output of the circuits?

And help would be nice.

Thank you.
I'm learning..

Mark Hammer

Is the intention to have two different fuzzes and tones available, or to have a pair of presets (i.e., different gain/level settings) available?  Not to take anything away from the FF, but there are innumerable mods to the BMP that permit very different tones and characters.

George Moore

 A dpdt wired for true bypass 'a jumper across the top' style is close to what you want,
From there [1 circuit wired for tru bypass], clip the bypass jumper wire and insert 2nd circuit there [minding input jack would go to input of circuit, output to output J].
ANother DPDT could then be wired to include or go around the 'bundle' if bypass-all is desired.