Will this switch wiring work?

Started by KurbadsLV, September 30, 2016, 07:28:27 PM

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I want to make a Big Muff clone with a switchable blender option.

So basically 3PDT switch is intended to be a bypass switch for the whole fuzzbox and the 4PDT should switch between the simple fuzz effect and blended fuzz. As I'm new to all this and not too good with switches yet, could you please take a quick look at the schematic - maybe you'll see something wrong with the wiring off the bat before I solder my whole fuzzbox to a miserable, messy pile of wires.

Any advice will be appreciated!


Also, I want to know whether I can get away with two 3PDT switches to achieve my goal as 4PDT's are quite pricey. Haven't figured out a way to wire this setup with two 3PDT's.


I'm not good on math combinations (y holes per n pairs..) but as long as you have an empty pole on your 4TDT switch I beleieve that you can obtain the same result with a 3PDT one by repealing one effect indicator LED..
(i.e. when no LED you have only fuzz on cain..)

IMHO, it should be a good idea to ground effects IN on the "main" switch when bypassed..
(no need for grounding OUTs if there are Volume/Level pots placed after the output capacitor..)
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