aion titan build - harsh sounding

Started by pete74, March 09, 2017, 07:47:43 PM

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Must have messed something up here... got this all together and in the box (before testing, stupidly) and it sounds horrid.   In HP mode, there's hardly any low end and the sound is, well, harsh.  In LP mode obviously, this isn't as drastic but still not great sounding.   

My first thought as the clipping LEDs didn't light was that they were in wrong, but have double checked that now (after taking the pcb out of the box - what a pain).

Anyway, so here it is, half out of the enclosure.  I used a TL072 instead of a TL082 in IC1 due to availability.  Everything else is, I believe, correct with the docs.

Please ignore my poor temp wiring for power to the board, had to make some alterations for having it out of the box.

Any suggestions as to what the issue could be?

Thanks in advance...


C1 should be 22n (223).
Also C3 should be 68n (683).

These two would explain the lack of bass.


Quote from: cortezthekiller on March 09, 2017, 10:08:13 PM
C1 should be 22n (223).
Also C3 should be 68n (683).

These two would explain the lack of bass.

Thank you...  apparently my unit conversion skills need improvement   :icon_rolleyes: