Help suggestions with modified Boss Ge-7 design

Started by njkmonty, March 20, 2017, 02:24:32 AM

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A person has asked me if i could make them a modified Boss Ge-7 pedal.

They use it for 1 song where the only frequencies that are boosted are the 1.6K, 3.2K and 6.4K (maximium)

how they described they like to use it is the above 3 frequencies on maximum while the remainder are set in middle,
i thought i might be able to use fixed resistors for the  remainder and use trimpots for the high frequencies and have just a volume knob externally, they have tried treble boosters however would like me to do something like i explained.
I was wondering if someone could assist suggest / advise on the best way to implement it schematically?


Sorry, perhaps a dumb question: Do they want you to mod an existing EQ stomp, or are you supposed to build a new one that only boosts those three bands?
I see something of myself in everyone / Just at this moment of the world / As snow gathers like bolts of lace / Waltzing on a ballroom girl" - Joni Mitchell - "Hejira"




Hi there,

If you are making a new pedal from scratch and only want to boost those 3 freq's then you could leave out all to do with the 4 other freqs that is leave out the 4 op amps and their associated passive bits (including the 4 pots) of the 100, 200, 400 and 800 Hz sections. This would greatly simplify your building effort and have no effect on the sound.

Hope this helps!! :icon_biggrin:


awesome!   did i get it right with removing the switching?


like this?


Do you want the adjustability in the highs? Or do you just want a kind of shelf-type filter where the high are up 12dB?
Tapflo filter, Gator, Magnus Modulus +,Meathead, 4049er,Great Destroyer,Scrambler+, para EQ, Azabache, two-loop mix/blend, Slow Gear, Phase Royal, Escobedo PWM, Uglyface, Jawari,Corruptor,Tri-Vibe,Battery Warmers


I'd say yes. like that, but how are you switching it out/in?
Katy who? what footie?


you'll want to add a pulldown R on the input.
Katy who? what footie?