Trying to figure out two channel and fusion mode like Two Notes Le Preamp series

Started by briandress, June 08, 2017, 02:10:59 PM

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So the Le PreAmps from Two notes have that fusion mode. well two modes isnt it.

Has a clean channel and then a gain channel and then you can put them both on at the same time or you can boost the gain channel with the clean channel..

so how does that Actually work? Sure you can pick any two preamp layouts right? Like a JCM800 dirt channel for the gain and a Fender DR clean channel. and then feed channel one into channel two for a boost mode?

My goal is to start building pedals because i Cannot afford the prices on these tube pedals or amps that I want to use.


Yes. Cascading pedals, or gain circuits within a pedal, is always a good idea. Depending on your level of expertise, you may want to consider looking at this article. Please feel free to post any questions about theory or projects. Edit, looks like you've been here a while, didn't mean to underestimate your tech expertise. The Wampler Dual Fusion is another industry example. The buffer/booster or dual overdrive is not so hard. You could even run two tubescreamers in series. 8)


you definitely didnt underestimate me. I havent built anything guitar related but I am military trained electronics tech so I can build a circuit from a schem and troubleshoot it. It is just how it pertains to guitar amp circuitry that I am learning right now.

Since I am going to build something I want to choose my first project to fit my goals.

I want to have a true tube experience that I cant really get in an apartment. I cant have a 2x12 really. I cant have a 50 watt loud enough. I have used amp sims but they dont sound amazing in my ears. I use headphones a lot. I have some studio cans that are decent but the modeling doesnt always stand up. The best i have is the THR 10. Sounds pretty nice.

I want to build a preamp like the Two notes. It wont probably have midi since i dont know much about that at all but would love to know about what types of preamp circuits go well together.

do you just chose a clean circuit you like and a dirt circuit you like and through them together?


Well, just personally, I would like to build a replica of the Boss FA-1 preamp into a replica of a  modded DS-1, but that's just me. A box with multiple gain stages and tone controls can get you to the same place as a two-stage preamp, it's just a matter of figuring out how much gain you want, what kind of tone, etc. If you wanted a JCM-45 kind of sound you could start with just a BSIAB or maybe the Thor or Thunderbird. You could then hack a clean/normal/boost switch to go between modes. Probably save at least 50% of the cost of any Two Notes pedal if not more. I don't work with tubes much but there are some options for a tube-based pedal as well.

To take it into a sound card or headphones you might want to consider a cab simulator pedal, to get the roughness off.

A good project might be to build a tubescreamer clone and then mod it some to get a general sound, then build a clean boost pedal to go before it. The echoplex ep-1 clones are fairly popular.

Wish I'd done electronics in the military -- changing batteries in the radio was about as good as I got.


So i want to do the high voltage tube circuits because then I could put them into CAB IRs and get a real tube sound. I might actually pay for the Torpedo CAB if I cannot figure how to do that but at the very least I want to make the tube preamp pedals. I guess its just a matter of squishing it into a pedal enclosure.