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Timmy help!

Started by jjg, January 22, 2018, 04:06:04 PM

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Hi there, I'm working on the Timmy clone from tagboardeffects (, using the third layout).

The circuit is not working yet, and I can't see what I've done wrong.

My IC voltages are clearly wrong, but any insight into what I might have done to cause this would be greatly appreciated:

1: 6.3
2: 6.46
3: 4.27
4: 0
5: 0.17
6: 7.44
7: 8.46
8: 9.25

Thank you in advance for your help!!


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Are all your cuts done, completely?  How about your links?     

Bias voltages are off, so you have to find out why.  Check the above, then all the parts values.  If you accidentally swapped resistors, you could get these results.   Sorry, too much to trace the vero, for me.  Wish they gave a schematic with it!
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Les Turnbull

check you used 100R and not 100k , Also the 1u cap between vol 3 and pin 7 is a tant on mine .


A picture is worth a thousand (or so) words. Can we see some shots (top and bottom) of your board?
"Some people love music the way other people love chocolate. Some of us love music the way other people love oxygen."


Hi all, many thanks for your replies! Didn't get notifications on my phone, hence the delay in replying, apologies. I haven't had time to look at the board again since posting (work and life kind of get in the way!) but I'll take a look at the things you have all kindly suggested when I get the chance. I really appreciate your advice!!

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