demeter trem clone - ticking

Started by pete74, February 10, 2019, 09:19:09 AM

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Hi all.... I have a demeter trem clone that I built based on this layout:

and changed a bit to include a half speed toggle and a led to show the trem rate (even when trem is off).

It's working fine and sounds as it should with one exception.  When powered by ac it ticks in time with the led pulse.   I didn't include a battery connector, so when I check it with a battery I've made a cable to connect to a 9v and then go into the normal power jack, it does not tick when using this.

Any tips on figuring this out?



If it's silent with the battery, then there's nothing wrong with the circuit per se.  Try another PSU?
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Add a 100 ohm resistor between the 9v source and the 9v pad on the pcb. Basically it would go where the red line is on the drawing (replacing the line obviously). You might also add a 100n capacitor from pin 8 to ground close to IC2.

Not sure if this will work but it is simple to try.

regards, Jack


In the past when i've had ticking problems with trems i've had to isolate the power to separate ICs so that the power to the opamp and the lfo are getting 'different' power supplies to an extent.

This is the one i used, it was a long time ago and helpfully i didn't make note of component values but i imagine the resistors were 100R and the caps 100uf.

If Rich and Jacks suggestions don't work i'd try this next


Thanks all.... a 100n cap from the bottom row/speed2 to ground did the trick.