555 Timer Momentary Soft Touch Relay Bypass circuit Troubleshooting

Started by Senor Avocado, February 08, 2018, 01:59:53 PM

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Senor Avocado

Hey guys,

I had a quick question on what might be causing my current issue with my pedal build.

I built two of these layouts from the perfboard layouts website to put in a dual overdrive build that I was working on.

It is the 555 Timer Momentary Soft Touch Relay Bypass circuit. When I tested them individually, they worked great, I was able to get the LED to turn on and change the state of the relay with the momentary switch. The issue I have now though is when I connect the ground and power of the 2 individual circuits and power them from the same power supply. If I want to try and run both effects at the same time in series, I cannot get both LEDs to stay on. For example, if the switch is engaged for Effect #1 and has the indicator LED on, when I go to turn on Effect # 2, it will turn off the LED for Effect #1 and then illuminate the LED for Effect #2. Right now it is functioning more like channel select switchs which is cool, but not what I am trying to achieve with this build. It is almost like the two circuits are somehow interfering with each other.

I am not sure if there is a way to better isolate the 2 circuits to prevent the cross talk or what other steps can be taken to resolve the issue

I hope that makes sense and I am hoping to tap into your brains to see If I can fix it!



> I hope that makes sense

We may want to see the actual schematic; sussing the workings of a layout is too hard.

However I would assume that such a neat drawing probably works, especially as you say each one does work.

Then it is probably not the modules but _your_ wiring. Draw that out so we can see what you got.

A dim stab: a very weak power supply may drop-out when the second relay comes on, and that may upset both modules. However it would have to be quite weak. And it is unlikely it would make a reliable flip-then-flop as you report.

Senor Avocado

Thank you PRR for your response! I did double check my wiring and was going to draw something up something to show you all but I got the opportunity to troubleshoot some more yesterday and was able to get both modules working together!

I was looking at how sometimes in power supply filtering there is a 100R resistor in series with the 9v supply so I implemented that here! I put 1 resistor for each module and then after that no more cross talk!

Thanks again!


Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


I would highly suggest you modify your layout with the relays to ground the input of the effects send when bypassed. This will result in a quieter setup with high gain equipment.

Rob Strand

QuoteIs this it ?
It's more like this:

but with the output driving some transistors and the LED; and 10n on pin 5 of the NE555.

Had a look the other day but gave up.  It's hard to give advice off those layouts.  You spend more time tracing the circuit than helping!

I was wonder if the Senor Avocado is using one switch and two circuits?   That will screw things up.
All switch contacts must be completely separate, no common wires.

Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.


Quote from: Rob Strand on February 09, 2018, 04:42:04 PM
QuoteIs this it ?
It's more like this:

but with the output driving some transistors and the LED; and 10n on pin 5 of the NE555.
I've used this configuration before and it's solid. Though I would recommend the CMOS version of the 555 as it wont crowbar the V+ rail, keeping things quieter. Be aware the CMOS version has lower drive capacity but that really doesn't matter too much if your driving your loads with transistors.
You've got to love obsolete technology.....

Rob Strand

QuoteI've used this configuration before and it's solid.
The idea seemed OK to me too, it's used in many pedals just not with 555's.
Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.