whammy problem

Started by arielfx, November 10, 2003, 08:40:43 PM

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i just got a friend's whammy pedal (wh-1) and i've noticed that at most of the tunings when i hold a note for a long time it becomes a strange noise after a while.

anyone is familiar with this problem?


If it's anything like my Boss Pitch shifter, it's probably just a tracking problem that's sort of inherent with the decay of a picked note - once the level gets low enough as the note fades out, the device has a hard time "reading" the note.  My workaround to get a bit longer usuable time out of a note was to use my compressor before the pitch shifter, to add some sustain and keep the note going at a steady volume a little bit longer.  But yeah, in general with the digital pitch shifters, this tends to be a problem.  Now, if it's doing this to you right off when you hold a note, then you've got a problem, but I don't know if there's really a way to work on a complex digital pedal like that.
sent from my orbital space station.

Steve C

Yeah, I have a Whammy II pedal and I can also vouch for what's already been stated.  The pedal is always trying to harmonize and as the signals fades out it doesn't know what to harmonize to so it "freaks out."  

I'm glad to hear the the WH-1 does it too.  Makes me feel a lot better about the one that I have.