Expression pot for Belle Epoch Deluxe

Started by joeychickenskin, March 06, 2019, 08:28:37 PM

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My friend wants to control a parameter of his Belle Epoch deluxe from a box with a single pot/knob much like an expression pedal without the treadle.

From the manual, the requirements are:

TRS Expression pedal
Ring to Wiper
Sleeve to ground
Tip to 3.3v
B10/B25k pot

If I mount a pot in an enclosure:

1-can I use a stereo jack in the enclosure
2-What would lugs 1-3 on the pot be connected to?
3. Would he be able to use a stereo cable between the BED and the expression knob box?
4. IS A TRS jack/socket another name for a stereo socket/plug?

Any help greatly appreciated


1 - yeppers, in fact, you must use a stereo jack.
2- Lug 1 would go to the sleeve, lug 2 would go to the ring, and lug 3 would go to the tip.
3- he MUST use a stereo cable.
4 - Yep!


That's great, thank you.

I've found a similar layout that has a current limiting resistor. I assume this is a safety feature.