High pass filter in deprofundis delay

Started by Marmoset123, March 07, 2019, 03:41:14 AM

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I've built a deprofundis delay and I'm very happy with it, but I get a bit of low level low frequency motorboating noise. I guess my PT2399 is a bit dodgy as I've read that this is often the case. I was thinking if I could add a high pass filter to just the wet signal (at maybe 100hz) this would be a good improvement. The only problem is I don't know how to do this..

I've gone some reading about simple R-C high pass filters, but I'm not sure where in the circuit to add it. Also I've found a 'calculator' that will tell me how to get the cutoff frequency, but obviously different numbers will get to the same result - How do I know if I should use 15k/100n, or 150k/10n etc?

If anyone can help I'd be very grateful!




Place a 1n5 cap on Input (just before R1) to take advandage of already existing 1M pull-down resistor.. :icon_wink:
(and not modify anything inside circuit..)

About RC values selection: Usually, bigger caps need more board space (and more money..) where resistors of any value (with the same wattage) need the same space (and money..)
Restriction factor of max resistor values should related with "secondary" issues, like noise..
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Ok thanks that all makes sense.

I'd quite like to try and add a high pass filter to just the wet signal though as I would like to experiment with the cutoff frequency a bit without messing up my dry signal. Any clues of where I could add it in the circuit to achieve this?



You could reduce C6/1u. It's feeding the wet signal to the output mixer. Since the input resistor is 22K to a virtual ground node, that's the R part of your RC highpass. Adjust the 1u cap to taste to get the cutoff where you want it.



Excellent, I'll give that a try.

Thanks!  :D