Small Stone Color Depth Mod Help

Started by eightsevenzero, January 09, 2022, 04:34:32 PM

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I have done lots of searching but can't find anything. I would like to add a color depth control to my Small Stone like in this video. I'm wondering if anyone knows what this guy does? Thanks!


theres a pair of resistors that determine the amount of feedback vs the amount of clean signal entering in to the allpass filters. this pot f*cks with that ratio.

i think its in series with the switch and one of those resistors. i have a trimmer in my green Russian small stone. just locate the side of the switch that has one of its connections going to ground, de-solder the middle connection and put a pot in between those points. i believe i did a 500k trimmer but im not really sure.

hope this helps, cheers
friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.


Kevin Mitchell

Sounds about right, iaianpunk!

So we know that it only works in "Color" mode. My guess would be that they replaced the 27K resistor between the 3.3K/4.7K & .1uF cap junction with a 25K pot. Less resistance = more "regen". Easy enough.

I'm actually waiting on someone's Small Stone to arrive so I can rehouse and heavily mod.



i did quite a few mods myself as well.
my favourite is the wet only mod, gives a whacky vibrato, especially when together with the univibe mod.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.
