EHX pog problem...light always lit and no effect

Started by danstrack, June 27, 2010, 11:07:20 AM

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I have a POG that no longer makes an effected sound and the led does not switch off.  Signal still passes through it but it is otherwise dead.  Has anyone come across this before?


For anyone that had the same problem: i've tried to repair it and i won!
the only bad thing is that i don't really know how.

PROBLEM: led always lit and no effect, only true bypass like signal. no changing of status when using footswitch.

This problem occours beacuse the true-bypass switching is made by a relay that it's controlled by a processor.
When the processor freeze, it don't read the signal coming from the footswitch and so he don't commutate ON the relay and the DSP.

what i've done:
just picked up the multimeter and checked:

- pin 16 (on the philips processor: from the red dot going anti-clockwise): it's the signal coming from the real footswitch.
  stomping it goes from 0v to circa 3,3v.
- pin 36 or TestPoint 18 if you find it somewhere on the board: this is the signal that changes from 0v to 3,3 (i think) when you press the footswitch and controls the true bypass relay and the dsp chip. if it don't changes it's impossible to turn the signal into the effect.

- if you find /RST label, just connecting it to the 3,3v for a while will cause the resetting of the microprocessor
(i don't know if it's so different from taking off the power plug.)

after all of this, only unplugging and reconnect of the power supply has made the effect completely working!!

sorry for the bad english, i hope this will help someone.

Paul Marossy

Quote from: alecacca on September 19, 2011, 11:19:49 AM
For anyone that had the same problem: i've tried to repair it and i won!

PROBLEM: led always lit and no effect, only true bypass like signal. no changing of status when using footswitch.

This problem occours beacuse the true-bypass switching is made by a relay that it's controlled by a processor.
When the processor freeze, it don't read the signal coming from the footswitch and so he don't commutate ON the relay and the DSP.

Nice work figuring out the problem.  :icon_cool:


Hi guys !
This old problem with POG v1, the "Always ON" syndrome or "Always bypass" problem, was reported but never solved.
I decided to experiment with sig gen and oscillo on my POG 1 and my problems came from Reset lines :

You can read my subject on that :
