Quick question on building a Colorsound overdriver on Kinmond FX board

Started by bobster, May 19, 2021, 07:42:58 AM

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Hi folks ,
I'm about to start a 9 volt CSOD build with a circuit board from Kinmond..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203154702389?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
I have gathered all the parts needed but a couple of resistors I have are only 1/8 watt and very small ,
Can i ask if these will be ok to use or will they go up in a little puff of smoke?
Also , regarding the 12k resistor parallel to the electro cap coming off Q2 collector  , is this value critical or can I use a 15k in this spot?
schemo here https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=103268.0
many thanks !

Mark Hammer

Surface-mount resistors are even smaller than 1/8W.  You'll be fine.

Think of it this way: if there was risk to 1/8W resistors because of the current draw, then a 9V battery wouldn't be expected to last more than an hour or two.

I know we're used to seeing larger 1/4W or even 1/2W resistors in vintage pedals.  But that's not because they were required.  It's because 1/8W resistors were generally unavailable, and when they were probably cost a lot more than 1/4W.

I still keep a lot of 1/4W resistors.  Worth having them around because some older PCB layouts assume their use.  I was populating a PCB for a late 1970s VCO yesterday, and was darn glad I had them, as well as many large plastic and ceramic capacitors that would simply NEVER fit on any contemporary boards.


thanks Mark , i figured they should be ok but always better to check with those in the know ;)