PCB wiring pots and switches off-board

Started by medio-core, June 25, 2019, 12:14:38 PM

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Hello and thank you in advance for your time!
I have made a few pedals from kits, PCBS and on vero, but I'm still very much a newbie. I apologize if this is a dumb question! I recently built a Stratus (Tube Screamer clone) from Aion electronics. Three knobs, two switches. Great sounding pedal with plenty of tonal options and I'm very happy with it.
It's currently in an enclosure I got which fits the board mounted components perfectly. However, I came into possession of a very nifty looking predrilled enclosure I would like to fit it into, but the layout is slightly different and won't fit the PCB mounted layout directly. I don't have a drill strong enough to make my own enclosures, so I'm a bit limited there.
My question is, would I be able to run jumper wire from the PCB to the pots and switches to wire them "off board"? That would allow the flexibility I need to fix it in the new enclosure. I've wired veroboard pedals from the board to the pots/switches but I wasn't sure if the diameter of the holes on a PCB would allow that, would it be a good enough connection to the wire? My other thought was I could snip the PCB mount pots about halfway through the post and run a wire from that to the remainder of the pot.


Hi medio-core!
Why shouldn't that work? If you can stick the wire through the hole and solder it, it will work. Your other suggestion should work too (snip the pcb pots half way and make the comnnection on the remaining part)...

just make shure no jumper wire makes any short connection somwhere. Maybe put some tape around the new pots when you put it into the enclosure.

I would keep one (or more, if possible) pots/switches mounted on the pcb, so the pcb is already fixed by that in the enclosure.


Awesome, thank you so much for the info!I was just uncertain because the hole in the PCB where the pot and switches mount is much larger than on a veroboard. I was concerned if I used 24AWG or similar wire into that spot then it would not make a good connection. I will try to solder the wire close to the edge of that hole but I thought that it might just be a "cold" solder joint or something.

I'm definitely open to other suggestions if anyone has some and thanks again!


jea, just make a good connection with soldier on a edge of the hole. No worries, if it sticks it will be good enough for shure as far as i know...