Electra / Lovepedal Woodrow output level?

Started by medio-core, July 02, 2019, 12:49:40 PM

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Hello! Just a quick question regarding Electra distortion circuits. I recently completed a vero build of the Lovepedal Woodrow, which is a variation on the Electra, with added gain pot. Im happy with the drive sound but the output volume seems weak. It gets loud when wide open but i don't hit unity gain until about 75% on the volume pot rotation.
Has anyone built one of these that can speak to if this is typical? Or any suggestions on what to try short of adding a boost circuit in front of it?

Thank you all so much, I'm still very new to this and appreciate your help!

Here is the layout i used, the version with the gain control.



Quote from: medio-core on July 02, 2019, 12:49:40 PM
the output volume seems weak. It gets loud when wide open but i don't hit unity gain until about 75% on the volume pot rotation.
Try a linear (or maybe an antilog) pot..
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