Can anyone help with a few diptrace questions?

Started by brokenstarguitar, August 03, 2019, 02:57:21 PM

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Anyone familiar with diptrace? Im trying to add my logo and some text but it doesnt end up in the gerber files or the final display of the board when ordering. How do I do this? This is literally the first time im doing it on my own. I usually lay it out and my buddy checks it and orders the boards. So im hoping someone here is a geinous and willing to help with the look/art of the pcb) lol. I can also send the files to someone incase i totally screwed up.

Also,I've tried every layer with a multitude of different colors. Anyone with diptrace that could help me out or possibly take a look?

Its a '77 Op-Amp BMP with a 3 band eq. (Lows - Mids - highs). Board mounted pots, in/output is top mounted. And the enclosure is a 125b. Thanks in advance guys and ANY, I mean ANY info would help A LOT


Nobody? Whats everyone use then? And can i import my own library from diptrace to it?


I think most people use Eagle to design PCBs, but I have no experience in this realm.
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


I use Diptrace. And my PCBs have logos on!

You can either put text in the "Assembly" layers (Top Assy, Bottom Assy) in which case it comes out as part of the etched copper, or you can put it in one of the Silkscreen layers (Top Silk, Bottom Silk) in which get the picture.
First you put the image in somewhere, anywhere. Then you go to it's "Properties" and change which layer it's on.

I don't think I've ever tried doing images on the assembly layer, but I've put jpeg images on the Silkscreen without problems. It used to be the case that you had to reverse the image to put it on the bottom layer (otherwise it comes out back-to-front) but I *think* they might have fixed that now. Don't quote me though.
