Npn Tyco Octavia noisy when maxed

Started by Atodovax, November 02, 2019, 06:40:12 PM

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Hello everyone i just built an octavia and the sound id pretty good and similar to the original videos i have seen. But when the gain pot is maxed, im experiecing a lot of noise.. is that something to be expected?


Tell us about your octavia, which circuit layout etc. And the noise. Hiss or pickup hum?
And your guitar, what kind of pickups? More noise than other fuzzes maxed?


It seems i was using high gain transistors (2n5087 and 2n5088) I switched them for a PNP with 120HFE and two NPNs with 80hfe and the pedal now its perfect. The noise was not hum from the pickups. It was more like a HISS and the pedal was SUPER compressed when maxed. Now its much more like the ones on the videos :) Thank ou ver much!