Internal 7V-9V-12V voltage switching circuit ala Boss TB2W?

Started by Bandwagonesque, May 23, 2021, 11:33:55 PM

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Anyone know of a circuit out there that can internally switch from 7V to 9V to 12V while being powered by 9VDC voltage ala the Boss TB2W Tonebender? Wanting to build a tonebender MKII next weekend for a friend who missed out on those and was wanting to implement that if I could. Can someone point me in the direction of where I need to go to get started making this happen? Thanks everyone and hope you all had a great weekend :)


maybe build a simple charge pump circuit, and use a voltage follower opamp and a potentiometer to regulate from 18 to 0 volts, or use resistors on either side to limit the voltages.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.
