EasyVibe - LFO Not Working

Started by rakus, March 06, 2020, 07:39:09 PM

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Hello everyone! first post here. I have already built a Catalinbread RAH, a Deep Blue Delay and a Box of Rock. Now I've been thinking of this project and a CE2 from Tonepad to increase the level of difficulty.

I built the Easy Vibe, based on RG's layout from GEOFX.
Original schematic here:

The only differences in components are TL072 instead of TL062 or TL064 (as per original design) and 1N4148 instead of 1N914. All resistors and capacitors are the recommended values.

The problem is that the LEDs turn on but stay there, they don't blink or oscillate. I already checked for shortcuts, grounds, soldering, polarity of semiconductors and capacitors, and can't find the solution.
I found here and on other spanish forums some builds with the exact same problem but they don't post the solution.

I measured the voltages on the ICs. For your information, the first Op Amp in the scheme is U1a, the four associated to the LDRs are U1b,U2b, U3b and U4b. The other 3 on the LFO section are respectively from left to right U2a, U3a, U4a (named after RG's layout).

Here are the component side and solder side. Can't find any shorts or grounds.

Any help will be welcome.

EDIT: IDK what I touched, I put the lid on the case and started working, it blinks, but effect is not noticeable since there is not enough depth, even tweaking the preset.


If you have an intermittent connection with the single core wiring. That could be a contributory factor.
Coupled with the apparent lack an of isolation between the pcb and enclosure.
Which could also be shorting something.

Your U4 voltages do not look right, but that could be a result of some of the above.

The depth is adjusted via the trimmer, so maybe that needs some attention too.

Hope you get it sorted.
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.