Looking for auto-wah (with LFO) suggestions.

Started by strungout, May 28, 2020, 06:58:08 PM

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Mark Hammer

Sounds nice.  Very moody. 

I've experimented with envelope control of phasing rate, using an LDR in parallel with the Speed pot.  I find that one needs to pay attention to both attack and decay rates of the envelope.  The initial change in LFO rate can't be too sudden, and the return to baseline rate has to have the right degree of gradualness.  By combining LFO and foot control, you managed to accomplish both of those, with respect to modulation range.


Mark: Oh, yeah. I'm thinking about EF'ing (sounds dirty...) every control knob I can find XD

I've only played with the LDR with my finger, so we'll see how it feels and operates with my foot when it's built. Seems a bit finicky with the LDR I'm using. I've ordered some GL55xx's to see if I'll get a more effective 'action'. Having the filter along with the LFO creates a fading of the wobble that I really like. It's the nostalgia of a  kind of vibrato and the lament of a wah bundled into one.

All the credit to electricdruid, deadastronaut and kipper. I just cross wires.

One last thing: I was trying to get the Q-tron's (Mutron III on unipolar supply) envelope follower to work so I could have a downward sweep. I was getting some action on the LED, but it was very subtle. And picking real hard resulted in 'charging' of the LED, ie, it became more and more bright and stayed bright until I triggered the filter again, more lightly. The schematic calls for +18V but, should it work on +9V supply?
"Displaying my ignorance for the whole world to teach".

"Taste can be acquired, like knowledge. What you find bitter, or can't understand, now, you might appreciate later. If you keep trying".


Quote from: strungout on June 10, 2020, 10:56:51 AM
It's the nostalgia of a kind of vibrato and the lament of a wah bundled into one.

Pure poetry!