Sanity check - dual buffer from single LM833 - yay or nay?

Started by MiguelDamas, July 01, 2020, 07:53:19 AM

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Hi everyone.

I'm about to build a 2CM / 4CM thru box with switching jacks for my pedal board, and I'm thinking of a dual buffer approach. The first one on input and the second to drive the cheapo transformer for the iso out that goes to the post FX and the FX loop return on the amp.

For the buffer stages I'm thinking of using a simplified version of RG Keen's Hum-Free ABY circuit minus the switching, LEDs, direct out and the second iso out.

Now, cost is not an issue as the parts are cheap, but from a design perspective, to minimise noise and reduce the number of connections, can I / should I use a single op amp for the two buffers or am I better off building two separate "blocks" if you will?

Also, would it be advisable to isolate more outputs or am I ok with just the FX return to the amp? This is a single amp setup, by the way.

Thanks in advance,


LM833 are good drivers.
Only thing, during power-on they have been known to suck relatively high input bias current until they settle and get upset if they can't get that current. So if there's a resistive divider Vref, keep those resistor values on the low side - not more than 10k.