Harmonic jerkulator - positive feedback loop?

Started by Squiggles333, December 02, 2020, 02:28:02 AM

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Quote from: iainpunk on December 03, 2020, 09:51:18 AM
fist of all 2 problems/oversights with my drawing, sorry for that, i had a long day yesterday
1) my bread board at the time had a build in input and output buffer, so a low impedance was no problem.
2) the connections going to the fuzz and gate circuits should switch place, the fuzz directly to the input and the gate after the first 1k resistor

QuoteWow this is awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. I don't understand or recognise the right hand side of the schematic but the left is familiar enough. I'll need to try this on the breadboard. What transistors is it using?
its a system that turns off the transistor when the signal is above a certain treshold, and on when its under, basically turning to a near-short circuit and deadening the oscillations
i used BC547 and BC557 transistors, but the specific ones are not critical, the diodes are tho, mix and match them to work and gate at the right point, the right most diode was probably an red LED, the others were probably 1N4148's
Also I'm wondering, "the bazz fuss biasing technique" is that using the diodes to bias c to b? Still trying to get my head around biasing.
yes its the diodes to bias from C to B, it gives quite high gain and a bit of a harsher sound.
This happy accident has taken this thing to a whole other place, I think I might finish the jerkulator build I was doing without it and start a new build focused around these crazy oscillations, I'll try your gate section then too.
i hope you get it to work! the values in the schematic were not the same as i used on my breadboard, but close
Thank you so much for your help Iain.
no problem, i like helping out.

Quote1k input impedance of the gate thing..?? :icon_wink:
Quotein the mean time in found the drawings, ill redo them in Falstad because they were drawn really sloppy by a drunk hand.
i was drunk, i guess its to lower the signal going in to the gate thing so it triggers at the right volume level, also, my bread board at the time had a build in input and output buffer, so low impedance wasn't a problem.

cheers, Iain

PS, i think you are better off just building a noise gate with effects loop since its a cool and useful utility to have in general!

Sorry I think I'm being daft, but I can't see a 1k resistor in your schem? Do you mean just to swap around the points connecting to the preexisting schem, just after the 100nf caps?

I'm going to throw together some off board buffers soon too so not to worry about that. Regardless of the final things functionality it's been a great learning curve. I love the idea of having the tran turn on and off in response to the playing, is that what's referred to as monostable switch? Someone was trying to explain those to me in relation to this.

Practicality aside I'm going to have a go at getting this to work so thanks again for sharing the ideas. I'll check out a noise gate with fx loop also, add it to the ever growing list of builds!

I'm going to finish and box up my jerkulator without the oscillating mod then start a new circuit to play with all that.

Thanks for the input everyone
Ah dinnae ken eh.


this schem, the leftmost resistor, the input should be on the other side of that resistor
Quote from: iainpunk on December 02, 2020, 05:41:44 PM

cheers, Iain
friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.
