Ultra Cheep - Ultra Versatile I/O Box Utilizing ADAU1401 Modules

Started by Tomsouthtrader, January 18, 2021, 11:13:35 AM

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Hello all!

I had stumbled upon these cheep ADAU1401/1701 Modules on Aliexpress when searching for an affordable DSP development platform..

A quick Google search lead me to this guys excellent blog https://daumemo.com/tag/adau1401/
In which he shows how to use a CY7C68013A board (also very affordable on Aliexpress) to program it.
Meaning you can use Analog Devices 'SigmaStudio'. Which is an incredible easy to use Visual programming environment.
And its real time programming! So you can make a patch and hear the results as you adjust parameters.
Though this module is not suitable for any real time based FX due to its very limited on board memory. It does have 2 ADC's and 4 DAC's built into the chip.
And my new idea of a ultra versatile utility box was born..

So I ordered the boards, and quickly whipped up this little test circuit when they arrived..

Wiring the two modules together as described in the blog post and installing the driver of the CY7C68013A board (though I did this on a laptop that is never connected to the internet, as you have to disable driver signature verification when installing on windows 10!)
Putting in jacks to all the I/O.
And hooking up 4 Potentiometers the 4 auxiliary ADC's on the board for some real time control once the module is programmed, Using the method described in the Excellent blog posts (Also described fully here https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/application-notes/AN-951.pdf


Now to my questions  :icon_biggrin:
Till this point I have been using a mixer / external preamps to interface with the module, as the jacks are currently just hooked directly the Iput/Output filtering on the board.
So what is the best circuit for a simple buffer to go on all the I/O so that I can plug the module directly to and from guitar level signals?

I have drawn up this schematic.. Am I on the right track?

Many Thanks in Advance!
