Pedal with remote footswitch?

Started by WoundUp, May 14, 2021, 09:13:08 AM

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Is there a way I can wire a Switchcraft jack to receive a 1 button footswitch and use it to control the actual pedal instead of putting a switch on the enclosure itself?

I have a 1-button Fender footswitch and was just curious if it could be made to work in place of a normal footswitch by using a Switchcraft TS jack and plugging the footswitch into the jack.

Is that possible? Or Is that too confusing to understand?

Kevin Mitchell

A TS(tip & sleeve) jack would only have two conductors available. It may work for switching a relay design but not a full true bypass design which would require 4 or more conductors .

You could use midi connectors to do something like that.

So, it could work with a pedal that uses a momentary or single pole switch for bypass - very common with Boss, Ibanez and some other (mostly vintage) pedals.

What pedal are you thinking about trying it with?

Marcos - Munky

Quote from: Kevin Mitchell on May 14, 2021, 11:46:45 AM
A TS(tip & sleeve) jack would only have two conductors available. It may work for switching a relay design but not a full true bypass design which would require 4 or more conductors.
Actually, it's a very bad idea to do a full true bypass with the switch far from the circuit. You'll have longer wires, which are way more prone to interferences and noises. Not to mention a mechanical failure (a broken wire).

The best idea is to use a switching circuit. Something like Boss switching circuit. Or a relay. Or a cmos circuit like those ones. Then, for the switch that activates the switching circuit, you connect it to a TS jack, where you'll plug your footswitch. That's actually how the channel switching on amps work.


A few hours after posting this, I actually found someone looking to do the same mod to a different pedal at TDPRI. They ran 2 wires from the original switch and ran those to a TS jack. Then they plugged their remote switch into that.

I was just wondering in general, in case I wanted to try it on the fuzz pedal I'm putting into an enclosure.


relay or buffered bypass is easily done with a remote switch.
i'm buying a TC M100 multi effects processor, which is not a pedal, but it does take such a momentary remote switch, which basically makes it a pedal.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.
