Modding Madbean Shark fin(without s/h) help

Started by Esppse, May 23, 2021, 11:30:21 AM

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I am building a madbean sharkfin clone, does anyone know of to get the envelope detector to not affect the circuit, and add a cutoff knob for the filter?

Basically I'd like to use a knob instead of having auto wah.

I am using this layout.


Schematics found here:

If you just want a knob to control the filter frequency, stick a 100K pot across the -9 and +9V supplies, and take the pot's wiper to the two 22K resistors that control the filter stages, R8 and R12. That makes *a lot* of other stuff redundant. Once you've got it working like that, you might find you want to add resistors to either the top or bottom of the pot to limit the range a bit.

