Rebote 3 delay refusing to cooperate

Started by HeavyFog, May 26, 2021, 10:53:46 PM

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I was dumbfounded too :/
I "cleared the board" and I'm going to repopulate it again in the near future. I've stumbled into a few other builds from the same timeline and they've had some stupid brainfarts, so this might be having one or two of those. I'll keep you posted once I get it done again (in a week I should think)!


I knew it! There was something that I had managed to mess up with the build! Now it's working like it should. The only thing that I was a bit sceptical about was the long delay (> 1sec) and how it'd work and - like all the other PT2399 delays I've built during the years - it has the same degraded sound towards the longer delays. It's most notable after 2/3 of the delay pots rotation.
Sorry about the "not so constructing" posts before, sometimes I just need to type my thoughts and questions and after a while I tend to have possible solutions (yeah, I know, why didn't I just open up a notepad and type there...  ;D ). Well, at least I can confirm that the board and circuit works and/but the bad quality of the longer delay settings are just typical for the PT2399's?