Splitter-blend for dual channel amp

Started by hans h, November 09, 2021, 03:08:58 PM

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hans h

Hi all,

I have a vox ac15c1 which has two channels: normal (good with pedals), and top boost (gorgeous clean tone, not great with pedals). To use the Amp to its fullest capabilities I'd like to adjust rog's splitter-blend for dual channel Amp use. The idea is to have three loops: a, b and c. A will go into the top boost channel for clean tone. B will have drives and goes into the normal channel. C is for lead and will go into whichever channel is not active at that moment. Besides this a(+c) / b(+c) switching I want to preserve the regular blending function.

The schematic below shows what I have in mind. The unused channel is grounded via the 'c switch' as long as the c loop is not active. The blend signal travels over out A.

Does this schematic work? And are there any drawbacks to doing this as shown?

Thanks in advance, Hans