differing Zonk Machine component values

Started by m7b52000, November 09, 2021, 02:48:44 AM

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I am about to have another stab at making a Zonk Machine. Attached is a typical schematic. Values that I can find are consistent apart from the output cap , either 47n or 470n, and the 2nd resistor in the voltage divider before the Fuzz pot. This is 33k in Phillip Bryant's schematic but often 3k3 in veroboard layouts found online. I understand the need to bias Q1 and Q3 via their base resistors and and the need to trial MANY transistors but would like to get everything else close before I start.

Is there a consensus here about these 2 components?



Output cap forms a HPF with 56k shunt resistor..
(at 6Hz for 470nF & 60Hz for 47nF cut-off frequency..)
You're free to select any other value according to your particular taste.. :icon_wink:

Q2 3k3/33k resistor is placed in parallel with Fuzz pot wiper altering its travel swep..

"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Thanks. The Keen article, that I have read repeatedly, doesn't say much about the Q2 resistor other than to list it as 3k3 so I suppose I'll do with that