RAT DIY PCB GUITAR EFFECT SKU A-1552 High Pitched noise

Started by Jeffro75, November 22, 2021, 01:16:21 PM

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I put together the Rat clone from Tayda. Used all their parts that they recommended. I'm getting a high pitched noise when it's engaged. I can change the pitch of the noise with my guitar volume. It sounds like it's feedbacking but it's really not. Anybody know what causes this or know how to remedy this?


hey, welcome to this forum.

high pitched noise is often a crosstalk problem in the offboard wiring, but it can be a few other things as well.

also, check out the debugging page

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.



I figured it out. I had a TL071 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER J-FET PDIP-8 TL071CP in the socket, so I switched it out with a OP07CP. The high pitch noise seem to go away. I guess the 071 was doing something, or maybe it was a counterfeit op amp. Thanks for the advice!


the tl072 is super fast and the op07 is super slow, and the board was designed for slow opamps, so the high speed just cross talked through the board and started to oscillate.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.
