Memory Man Clone Now Clicking After Boxing... Help Please?

Started by Elysiumfx, December 11, 2021, 04:46:00 AM

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Hi again. Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas depending on your location.

I have made a Jeds Peds Toy Boy (Memory Man Clone) and the pedal was wonderful on test. Then I boxed it...

Now it's clicking. The click seems to be at the chorus/vibe rate. (Vib very fast, Chor slow and steady - speeding up when rate is increased) A steady tick, tick, tick like a metronome but not as loud. Volume increases with the level and blend controls.

It did not do this prior to adding jacks, 3PDT and box.

I've reflowed the pots in case I knocked something, but I'm at a loss. Could it be the 3PDT?

Thanks as always in advance.



That's called clock noise, the LFO oscillation leaking into the audio. If it was quiet before boxing, the first thing you should probably do is look at your wiring. Shorten lengths as much as possible, keep in and output wires away from each other and the rate, power and ground wires. It's not likely to be the switch as much as the way the wires are routed to it. Next investigation would be your grounding scheme and power filtering.


Oh boy, this one can go deep and take time. First make sure any wires from the LFO (IC4) does not cross nearby the audio path. Second make yourself an audio probe (output jack - wire - 1uF cap - Alligator clip) and put it on the power rails to see ((hear)) if the LFO is leaking into the voltage supply and from there to the rest of the amps/chips. If it does put a huge capacitor (100-470uF) from voltage rails to ground. An alternative is a small resistor (47 ohm) in series with the supply to LFO and a cap to ground after the resistor. It might filter out the AC without too big of a voltage loss. Do this as closely to the LFO as possible. Third you could also try star grounding and ground the LFO with as short wire as possible to the voltage input jack.

Even after all this the tick could be audible if you place a distortion pedal after the thing, just a heads up.

Good luck!

There is nothing more to be said or to be done tonight, so hand me over my violin and let us try to forget for half an hour the miserable weather and the still more miserable ways of our fellowmen. - Holmes