Optocoupler substitution in voodolabs switching circuit...

Started by mdcmdcmdc, March 30, 2022, 01:51:29 PM

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Hi folks,

PJP started an optical switching thread last week that led me to find the schematic for voodoo labs' switching scheme:

I've also seen a version that replaces the photo-FET with transistor-output:

Here are the respective datasheets for the two optocouplers that voodoolabs uses:

Seems like either a FET or transistor output device will do the job, so my question is - if I'm looking for substitutes, what are the important specs?

I was planning on ordering some stuff from Tayda sooner than later, and they have both the 4N25 and 4N26 available, which are transistor-output with an additional base connection in the 6-pin package. Would either of these do the job?


> what are the important specs?

1) Price.

2) Size

This is not a tough job.


I'll give it a whirl with the 4N25/26 and see what happens then. Merci!


The 4N26 works a-ok.

Ironically I'm using 2/3 of a 3PDT to test it, but it defeated a pop that I couldn't otherwise get rid of in this particular pedal so I'll take the win where I can.