Input Clipping of Digitech XP-100

Started by Baran Ismen, August 27, 2023, 06:29:59 AM

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Quote from: Baran Ismen on October 30, 2023, 01:21:47 PMI know yes, but there's a real sweet spot right now, just a bit more clips, and just a bit less sucks the signal.

As already alluded, clipping is not a problem - the gain control exists for the sole purpose of allowing you to turn it down so that your pickups don't clip. It is expected that some pickups will clip unless you turn down the gain. It appears to be working perfectly. But if you are finding the control is too sensitive, you could try a smaller pot - 25k perhaps - which will make the control less sensitive and reduce the maximum amount of gain. Or add a 33k resistor in parallel with the pot - this would effectively be very similar to using a 25k pot.

Quote from: Baran Ismen on October 29, 2023, 01:09:22 PMIs it better to increase the R1 to 1M or do the modification mentioned here? Either case, I've never played with SMD parts before, I think I'd ask some technician to do this for me  :icon_lol:

That mod will do very little to reduce gain and will probably change tone. Changing R1 will do nothing to gain, but might make the tone slightly brighter.

Baran Ismen

As a last resort, shall I try the output volume mod that's been mentioned on XP-All guide?

Problem is, there's not any A or B type 1m stereo pot in Turkey. Geez, what a country ...

Is it ok to use a mono one for wet output only, as I just use that one.