Wish Klon Clone fuzz/distortion/crackle...

Started by Dgsaudio, January 13, 2023, 10:35:31 AM

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Quote from: antonis on January 14, 2023, 04:48:34 PM
Quote from: FSFX on January 14, 2023, 04:36:51 PM
when you start being disrespectful and treating me like an idiot who doesn't know anything about electronics then you have crossed a RED LINE.

Are you sure you're addressed to the right person..??  :icon_eek:

Most definitely.


This is a Chinese water deer:

It's a deer with fangs.  It's shocking, right? It's also quite distracting and off topic.  Can we move beyond Chinese water deer and useless bickering, please?
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Quote from: EBK on January 14, 2023, 05:04:04 PM
It's a deer with fangs.  It's shocking, right? It's also quite distracting and off topic.  Can we move beyond Chinese water deer and useless bickering, please?
I told the OP exactly what the issue was with bad TL072s. I would have hoped that would be the end of it but someone else had other ideas that contradicted all the facts. I feel it is my duty to prevent beginners being fed with erroneous information.

What I posted regarding the inaccuracy of measuring the voltages of high impedance circuits with a DMM was intended to educate and inform about why people don't see the voltages they were expecting. I didn't expect to have somebody disputing what I wrote.


Quote from: FSFX on January 14, 2023, 05:10:17 PM
What I posted regarding the inaccuracy of measuring the voltages of high impedance circuits with a DMM was intended to educate and inform about why people don't see the voltages they were expecting.
...which seems reasonable.

I didn't expect to have somebody disputing what I wrote.
Perhaps you should. Obviously, not always, but sometimes I've posted stuff here and been pulled up short by someone else. Sometimes I was right and they were mistaken, but often I was the one mistaken even if I couldn't see why at first. Certainly the process of investigating what the facts are and why someone sees the situation one way and you see it another is a useful process, and it needs to be conducted in a manner that everyone can remain happy with. Consider it a scientific endeavour, not a personal conflict.
Like that we can all learn something, which is why we're here.

Kevin Mitchell

I uhhh... I think the opamps are bad too.
"Wish kit" would be the big flag to me. Those type of bargains are typically not right one way or another. The integrity of the ICs would be most suspect, and the experienced will agree that they do not look right. Even the use of the outdated Intersil chip is questionable, but the voltages are there so... thats fine.

Dgsaudio, do let us know if the replacements fix the issues. It would help out those who come after you.