Anyone know any mods for a boss ds-2 dist ?

Started by jimbob, August 30, 2003, 04:45:48 PM

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I just recently got a DS-2 in mint condition, and the Turbo mode to me sounds like instant "%^&*ed wah" sound.  That's what I intend to use it for, and I think it is what it is meant to sound like, as it is supposed to be a lead setting.  I like it for what it is.



After ages I've got an old DS2 again: I must admit these old Boss pedals hold very well after so many years!

I was very happy with the base stock tone, but did few mods tiny mods, to have more and better low-end:
C12, C40: 100nF
C41: 4n7
C33: 1uF
R57: 3k3
C28: 33nF

Don't expect a HM2 with the bass control fully open, but now it sounds fatter and tighter, while still retaining it's original character.

Other known mods are from the Wampler book:

Plus this mod it's said to turn a MIT into a MIJ: change D14 & D15 with 1n34 (or similar germanium diodes).
I wanted to do it on my pedal, but being a from 1991, it already had those germanium diodes factory installed!