Agent 00 Funk Troubles

Started by magootaylor, June 25, 2023, 09:08:49 PM

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I recently built a Agent 00 Funk box using a board from mad bean pedals ( It's working perfectly save for one thing. My pitch pot seems to be skewed for some reason. According to the chunk systems website the pitch knob controls what frequencies cause the input to be silent. On my pedal, I have to turn the pitch up to at least 3/4 to get any output. According to the chunk website I should be able to turn it way lower and get output. I honestly have no idea what is at play here. When the pitch knob is close to giving me output but not quite under normal playing and I really attack the bass, then I can get some envelope action. Does it have to do with my passive bass? Should I run my signal through a gain pedal and see if I get more action? Any advice is appreciated.


Fool around with the sweep? What happens if you turn it up?


Double check the down/up switching and resistor values.
"...and weird on top!"


Turning up the sweep does allow for more pitch adjustment. I'm just baffled by the 'default' setting being all middles on the chunk site. I've checked both up and down positions and they have similar reactions.


I think signal level absolutely does have an effect on the setting of the "pitch" adjustment.  I wouldn't read too much into 12 O'clock positions.


QuoteI honestly have no idea what is at play here
QuoteTurning up the sweep does allow for more pitch adjustment

How far up do you turn the sweep for the sound you want? That sounds like normal envelope filter behavior to me. Think of the sweep control as "how much" your plucking will modulate the filter. More sweep, more funk. No sweep, and all you have is a fancy tone control.

QuoteDoes it have to do with my passive bass? Should I run my signal through a gain pedal and see if I get more action?

Pedals are designed for passive pickups. I don't think any builders assume you have active ones. You should try it, and see what happens. It will at least be a clue.
"...and weird on top!"



I found the pedal to be WAY too sensitive with my active basses, was actually thinking of adding an attenuator. It has been a while, and I actually gave the project away before changing it, but I think I was planning to attenuate the control voltage going to the filter, so not the input level, this way, there still is the full range of the envelope follower, and all of the signal to noise ratio, it is just that you change the way the filter responds to control voltages from the envelope follower.
I have found this to be a key feature in my modular synth to dial in a filter, and was actually a bit amazed to have it not present on a full featured filter pedal.