Vero Layout for Stage Center Reverb

Started by tfletchii, November 01, 2012, 04:42:25 PM

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correction: Just realised your tank has 3 springs, so I will be using the exact same tank as you


Hmmm...I built this, but I'm just getting distortion and very low crackly volume. If I touch the strings, i can hear they rattle very faintly. Any ideas on where to start debugging?

Im using a 8BB3C1B, 190ohm. I know thats much lower than the recommended 310ohm...


is there anyway to modify this to use with tanks with lower input impedances?


Personally, I've been happier with the sound and versatility of this one:


I built this spring reverb driver for use with a metroamps zero-loss effects loop - and all I got was distortion, like a drive pedal. That was when I got a tone - several hours of debugging left me with no tone at all.

I have on O.C. Electronics 2-spring (smallish) reverb from Milton Wisconsin, came out of a 30-watt Dean Markley type amp. It actually works great, but I can't seem to "push it" - If I hook it up and tap it I can hear the springs. but I can't seem to find the right preamp for pushing volume into it - something with volume/dwell, etc.

There are two choices, this one at one at tagboard effects: which I have not tried yet. But I spent a LONG time working on this one today nd I am VERY frustrated.

How does one work out the "grounding"? I assume that the RCA jacks going into the unit have to be grounded - and that puts ground into the unit.

Does one NEED the 16v rail with both +9 and -9 (like this one) - because it seemed to overdrive my unit.


Hello, sorry to awaken a dead thread. I'm really interested in building this:

I saw the linked negative voltage converter, but I'm a little confused about the grounding. I'm guessing the 9V DC in + goes straight to point 1B in the vero diagram, and also to the +9V in to the Negative Voltage Inverter. Then the -9 from the Voltage Inverter comes back to the -9V input at 19B.

If that's right, then my question is what happens to the ground for the -9V (bottom right of daughterboard below)?

Quote from: tfletchii on November 29, 2012, 12:05:40 PM
A few suggestions for anyone who might build this.

Here is a link to a negative voltage converter you can use to get the -9 and +9 power rails you need. Just grab the +9 from the top right of the vero.

A good but pricey case would be the hammond part# 1441-16
Don't forget to get the bottom of the case which is sold seperately Hammond part #1434-16.

This case only works if you use a smaller 9" spring tank.

I used a MOD 8DB2C1D medium decay spring tank but any with an input impedance of 310ohm will work


ground - is ground. all ground is the same ground. the positive volts go above ground, and the negatives go below, but ground just stays in the middle.

connect all the things named ground together. and yes, your +9V goes to the reverb and powers the charge pump, which then provides you with the -9 to connect back to the reverb.
granny at the G next satdy.


@duck_arse: thank you once again! Sorry after re-reading your post I realize that was a dumb question. But now I know.  :icon_mrgreen:

One more question: about how much juice do you think this would require from the power supply? Would a 400mA 9V input cut it? Or would I want to use a One Spot (1700mA)?


for just the tlo74 and a charge pump, 400mA should be plenty heaps.

never a dumb question, there's few here but the EE's that get a least a little confused when they see the dreaded minus sign.
granny at the G next satdy.


More questions, if y'all don't mind: I'm not going for a pristine reverb, I want something that sounds lo-fi and slightly overdriven with a high-mid "scratchiness", if that makes any sense.

I was thinking that, since I have to send -9V  in anyway, why not set up a switched Rangemaster treble boost before the input? I saw that Mark Hammer recommended rolling off bass frequencies from this anyway, though this was in the context of other mods that require some combing through the old threads.

Second Q: I was thinking of trying this with the 4db2c1d tank at SmallBear, and they told me it would be compatible. Given that it has 250 instead of 310 Ohms input impedance, I'm wondering if any tweaks to the circuit are recommended to optimize it.


I tried this circuit a couple of years ago and never got it working.


what about tank impedance?
I have a salvaged tank from an old keyboard/organ.
Does the impedance mather or not?



The final verified layout is different to the circuit diagram given in the first post. Notably, The connection for R1, R2 and C2 are wrong on the vero layout. Dwell 2 is shown in the circuit diagram to connect though R2 to R1 and C2. However, the vero layout is different, having Dwell 2 connect to a join between R1 and R2.

Therefore, to correct this, move C2 to the join between R1 and R2 (where Dwell 2 is shown to be connected on vero layout) and ground. Dwell 2 now connects to the now open side of R2 (where C2 is shown to be connected on the vero layout). I can draw a layout by hand and post it, but this is an old post so don't really know why I'm bothering, but hey.

I still get some grit from this, and have tried +/- 9V and +/- 15V. Any capacitor suggestions to reduce some of the bass harmonics would be welcomed
At only 20 something, I don't really know a hell of a lot about stuff, so take my posts with a pinch of salt


DEAD THREAD REVIVAL! :icon_twisted:  I built this thing with success but like the others i am bothered by how much it boosts the clean signal when its on. Any insight on how to achieve unity gain with this thing? I can kind of lower the clean volume to get it close by turning the mix know towards reverb but I imagine there is a more permanent solution.


I didn't built it, so I'm not sure what's exactly is the problem.
But, looking at the schematic, I think you could try to increase a bit R3 to get less clean volume, maybe, even if I guess this will change the Mix control, too.
Or decrease a bit R5 to get less general volume.
«There is something even higher than the justice which you have been filled with. There is a human impulse known as mercy, a human act known as forgiveness.»
Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov's The Cave Of Steel


"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


As a Segue from one Reverb matter to the next,
I have an old cheapy 50 Watt guitar amp, it sounds okay for the price, has a 12 inch speaker, Presence control, along with Boost select, High , Mid and Low Tone, and after that a 4 band selectable Graphic EQ, its made for Bass guitar, but sounds good with a 6 string going through.
I scrapped the old original chip board cabinet, which was on its last legs, and have in mind to get on and build a new better quality cab to house it.
Also picked up a good price OC Electronics, Folded Line Reverb Tank, which I thought to incorporate into the amp while I have it apart.
The amp has a Send and Return Feature. Would this be the correct place to add in a Spring Reverb Tank circuit?